Bootstrap studio paste big text with paragraphs
Bootstrap studio paste big text with paragraphs

bootstrap studio paste big text with paragraphs bootstrap studio paste big text with paragraphs

It's an older version of the app in the Video, but it will give you a very good idea of how the app works and how to do some things. This runs through many of the various aspects of setting up a page, editing the CSS and much more. I would highly suggest watching fully, the video that creates a full website in the Tutorials (top menu of the site). Works great either way, just depends on whether you intend to change anything about the link's styles or not as to which one to use. If you use the default text editor link just highlight your text and choose the link and it will give you the ability to add a link. Add your URL there, edit the Target set if needed and that's all there is to adding links. Then the Link URL will show up in the Options panel in the top right of the app to add it where yo see the # sign. From there you can double click the text same as any text editing and change the text to what you want it to be. for any links then you are better off grabbing the Link component from the components list and dragging it into your paragraph where yo want it. then that works great, but if you want to change the colors, sizes, etc.

bootstrap studio paste big text with paragraphs

If you have default link settings that you don't want different than what yo set up for the default colors etc. I would suggest you "don't" use the link setup there even though it does work fairly nicely, only because it's almost impossible to try styling it. That's where you add bold, italics and a few others. You have a quick edit bar at the top when ever you double click and highlight text to be edited.

Bootstrap studio paste big text with paragraphs